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KIX lounge – priority card – restaurant – Botejyu | Japan Fun

Japan Fun

Japanese mama blogger's life and travel

KIX lounge – priority card – restaurant – Botejyu

time 2018/04/26

KIX lounge – priority card – restaurant – Botejyu


This was my first experience to use the Priority Card. The plan was to fly from Osaka Kansai International Airport to Fukuoka for a business trip. On the day of the flight my LCC flight with Skymark was cancelled for un-known reason and I was “stranded” in KIX waiting for the next flight.
When I was looking for a lounge, I figured out that there is also one restaurant in KIX which has partnered up with the Priority Card allowing the members free consumption of food & drinks upto 3.400 JPY (about 31 USD).


Local Kansai Restaurant – Botejyu

You will find this restaurant inside the building of the Nikko Hotel. Coming from Terminal 1, you need to pass the train station which is connected with a bridge. Once you enter the building of the hotel complex, the restaurant will be just around the corner

I was there around 1pm, but I got a seat after 1-2 min of waiting. Some people who arrived right after me were asked to que so I was lucky!


Food – Okonomiyaki

The selection is excellent. You will like it if you are not on diet and like a hearty meal. You can select out of many combinations to decide your own preferred Okonomiyaki. If you never tried Okonomiyaki, please imagine a Japanese style pizza.
I have chosen the house salad, a seafood Okonomiyaki and a drafted beer.



The restaurant was not luxurious and space between the tables were a bit narrow but ok for a quick lunch. The quality of the food was not bad for an airport restaurant and most importantly: The bill was 3.402 JPY, which means I paid exactly 2 JPY for a full set of meal!
As I still had some time till the next flight, I went to the Korean Air Lounge to enjoy a small whiskey and a fresh cup of coffee.
Overall a good option if you have some time in KIX.

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